
Lifeline WA Training

Lifeline WA offers a range of interactive and customisable training products from awareness sessions through to 2-day courses.

Topics include effective communication skills, suicide prevention, mental health and illness, and domestic and family violence. Our clients include corporate, government and community organisations.

Reduce stigmas

Thoughts of suicide are common. One in five Australians experience a mental illness in any year. Family and domestic violence is a major issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Lifeline WA trainers speak openly, accurately, and safely about these topics to address myths and expand understanding.

Increase skills and confidence

We provide practical skills and communication techniques to respond appropriately to encountered situations, including when and how to involve other supports. Increase

confidence and readiness to know what to do and say. Participants often say, “everyone should do this course”.

Mentally healthy workplaces

For every dollar spent on successfully implementing an appropriate action, such as training in mental health first aid, an average of $2.30 in benefits is gained by the organisation. Our workshops highlight the importance of wellbeing maintenance, encourage early help seeking, and provide tools and resources that assist professional and personal life.

You can contact us at or 08 9261 4444.

To receive information on upcoming training and workshops, sign up for our Lifeline WA Training newsletter here.